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Steve Winwood: English Soul

· 2013
1h 0m
Genre Music, Documentary

Steve Winwood was 14 when he joined the Spencer Davis Group, which made the fact that he wrote and sang the band's mod anthem "I'm a Man" a little premature. Winwood's career follows a classic British rock star model, with his forming the short-lived supergroup Blind Faith in 1969 before getting it together in the country with Traffic, who melded rock and jazz with a pastoral sensibility that produced a classic version of the pagan ale celebration John Barleycorn. This profile shines a light on a life spent making tasteful, soul-tinged music. From childhood prodigy to veteran master, Birmingham-born Steve Winwood's extraordinary career is like a map of the major changes in British rock 'n' roll and rhythm and blues from the 1960s to the present. This in-depth profile traces that journey and reveals a master musician blending Ray Charles and English hymnody into a unique brand of English soul.

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