Your Company

Three Ladies(3 Dara)

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Indonesia · 2015
1h 22m
Director Ardy Octaviand
Starring Adipati Dolken, Tanta Ginting, Tora Sudiro, Ayushita Nugraha
Genre Comedy, Drama

Affandi, Jay and Richard are three friends with different backgrounds but have in common: womanizer and have little respect for women even though they have a partner each. They are men of success who just always want to enjoy life and have fun without their partner. Their lives change when they meet with Mel, a bartender who condemned their behavior. Various oddities and misfortune hit them, especially their relations to their partners. They are forced to ask the help of Windy (Rianti Catwright), a psychologist who expertly handle a wide range of issues of identity turmoil. Their search for answers brings them at the new reality that they have never imagined before.

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