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The Raid(Serbuan maut)

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Indonesia, France, United States · 2011
Rated R · 1h 41m
Director Gareth Evans
Starring Iko Uwais, Joe Taslim, Donny Alamsyah, Yayan Ruhian
Genre Action, Thriller, Crime

Rama, the rookie member of an elite team of commandos, is instructed to hang back while his comrades-in-arms go ahead with their mission to take down a brutal crime lord called Tama, who has holed himself away at the top of an apartment complex filled with loyalists to his gang. After the commandos who go in are captured, Rama must take command and lead his remaining team on an ultraviolent charge through the building to complete -- and survive -- the mission.

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What are people saying?

Conner Dejecacion Profile picture for Conner Dejecacion

No country does action better than Indonesia. The grimy setting and stomach-churning brutality of the relentless melee combat blows near every other movie on the water, while the indomitable endurance of star Iko Uwais cements him as an all-timer titan of action. Sure, the gun combat falters in comparison to the hand-to-hand combat but the real focus is on the violent artistry of fist, blade, and whatever random object happens to be lying around. The Raid and its sequel prove definitively there can be a kind of artistry to violence.

What are critics saying?


Movieline by

There's a sliver of a plot to The Raid, but it's really not worth going over -- when the characters pause to talk, which is rare, it does tend to kill the film's momentum.


Time Out by David Fear

There are moments when The Raid: Redemption doesn't feel like an action movie so much as pure action itself, delivered in strong, undiluted doses and with the sort of creative one-upmanship capable of rejuvenating a stale, seen-it-all genre.


IndieWire by Eric Kohn

American action movies are almost entirely defined by cutaways, blaring music cues and grunts. The Raid: Redemption, a hyper-energetic Indonesian martial arts movie, delivers an effective rebuke to that meek norm. Bones break, blood flows and swift, excessively complicated fight choreography puts virtually everything released in North America since "The Bourne Ultimatum" to instant shame.


Village Voice by Ernest Hardy

Lean, fast-moving, and filled with game-changing fight sequences that have a brutally beautiful (or beautifully brutal) quality, Gareth Evans's Indonesian martial-arts film The Raid: Redemption lives up to its viral hype.


Chicago Tribune by Michael Phillips

The Raid is maniacal in its pacing and assault tactics. It's also, absurdly, rated R. Fantastic. I love that a film this gory secured the same Motion Picture Association of America rating as "The King's Speech."


The A.V. Club by Noel Murray

Gareth Evans' Indonesian martial-arts throwback The Raid: Redemption has a look and feel that resembles the best of '80s cult action movies: half John Carpenter, half John Woo.


Variety by Robert Koehler

Taking the genre to a higher level of intensity, the Welsh-born Evans continues what he started in previous Indonesia-set actioner "Merantau," but this picture will seal his cult status.


Chicago Sun-Times by Roger Ebert

This film is about violence. All violence. Wall-to-wall violence. Against many of those walls, heads are pounded again and again into a pulpy mass. If I estimated the film has 10 minutes of dialogue, that would be generous.