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Village of the Damned

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United Kingdom · 1960
1h 17m
Director Wolf Rilla
Starring George Sanders, Barbara Shelley, Martin Stephens, Michael Gwynn
Genre Horror, Science Fiction

In a small English village, everyone suddenly falls unconscious. When they awake, every woman of child bearing age is pregnant. The resulting children have the same strange blond hair, eyes, and exhibit a strange connection to one another.

Stream Village of the Damned

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Variety by

Tapers off from a taut beginning into soggy melodrama. Wolf Rilla’s direction is adequate, but no more.


Chicago Tribune by John Petrakis

A British horror classic, filled with enough creepy imagery to keep "normal" children awake at night, and parents looking over their shoulders at the "little monsters" plotting away in the room down the hall. [29 Nov 2004, p.C4]