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Why We Fight

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United Kingdom, France, Denmark · 2005
Rated PG-13 · 1h 38m
Director Eugene Jarecki
Starring Ken Adelman, John Ashcroft, Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush
Genre Documentary, History

Referring to the eponymous propaganda shorts released by the U.S. Department of War during World War II, the film explores the rise of the United States military-industrial complex and how the complex has allowed America to exert political dominance in the world for the past 50 years.

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What are critics saying?


Newsweek by David Ansen

This scary, eye-opening documentary looks back from a post-9/11 vantage point to see how Ike’s prophecy has come horribly true.


The New Yorker by David Denby

Unconvincing and ineffective; the many patches of ideological montage, growing like kudzu throughout the film, weaken the impact of its best moments.


Village Voice by J. Hoberman

Jarecki's film forcefully argues that the much abused word FREEDOM cannot paper over the conflicts between capitalism and democracy.


The A.V. Club by Keith Phipps

Ultimately, Why We Fight reveals itself as yet another leftie doc with an anti-war agenda. But the mere fact that it takes time to ask questions and listen to opposing viewpoints sets it apart from the pack.


Christian Science Monitor by Peter Rainer

In addition to the usual pontificators like Gore Vidal, whose world weariness has assumed Olympian proportions, the director provides interviews with such right-wing counterparts as Richard Perle and William Kristol. Nobody is allowed much time to develop an argument.

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