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The School of Flesh(L'École de la chair)

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France, Luxembourg, Belgium · 1998
Rated R · 1h 50m
Director Benoît Jacquot
Starring Isabelle Huppert, Vincent Martinez, Vincent Lindon, Jean-Louis Richard
Genre Romance, Drama, Mystery

Dominique, a middle-aged fashion professional, solicits the services of the handsome Quentin, a bisexual prostitute who is 15 years her junior. Their business transaction soon transforms into a passionate love affair. However, the couple's romance becomes an ugly power struggle when social class and age distinctions begin to bubble toward the surface.

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TV Guide Magazine by

Huppert's performance leans a bit heavily on the moist-in-the-eyes motif, but it's terrific none-the-less.


Village Voice by J. Hoberman

Predicated as it is on Huppert's pensive, provocative blankness, the action moves a bit slowly, although, as is often the case with Jacquot, events make more sense after the movie is over.


ReelViews by James Berardinelli

This is a film to be enjoyed on a psychological level for its keen understanding of the contradictory impulses that drive sexual and social intercourse.


The New York Times by Stephen Holden

Watching this handsomely filmed, deftly edited but rather dry movie, you keep imagining the juice that a director like Pedro Almodovar could have squeezed out of the same story.


Austin Chronicle by Steve Davis

Predicated as it is on Huppert's pensive, provocative blankness, the action moves a bit slowly, although, as is often the case with Jacquot, events make more sense after the movie is over. Dares to provoke rather than titillate in its delineation of love's strange ways. As the French might say, “L'amour, l'amour, toujours l'amour.”

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