Writer-director Patric Chiha directs the proceedings with incredible restraint, which works both for and against him. Yes, it allows the actors to shine with some subtle, quiet moments, and prevents things from going over the top, but somehow Aunt Nadine and restraint don't belong in the same sentence.
What are people saying?
What are critics saying?
New York Daily News by Elizabeth Weitzman
Writer/director Patric Chiha brings a knowledgeable weariness to his feature debut, as his story heads toward an end that feels familiar in all the right ways.
Imagine "Harold and Maude" directed by Eric Rohmer with shades of film noir and doused in philosophical chatter enhanced by ample white wine. But Domain isn't pure formula, because the subversion of expectations is its centerpiece.
When the action eventually switches to an Austrian rehab retreat, Dalle gets to make like the best of the Old Hollywood divas and waste away with devastating reserve - an icon quietly, crushingly crashing to earth.
The French affection (affectation?) for conversational film reaches absurd proportions in the talkathon Domain.
Village Voice by Melissa Anderson
Dalle, with a mouth that could devour the world, unravels inexorably but with decadent dignity, and Chiha's singular film never relies on cliché in its examination of illness, disappointment, and abandonment.
Movieline by Stephanie Zacharek
It's hard to say whether Patric Chiha's unabashedly out-there drama Domain is actually good or whether it simply nuzzles very cozily against the shoulder of so-bad-it's-good. After seeing the movie twice, I'm inclined to say Domain splits the difference.
The New York Times by Stephen Holden
You really can't hang a drama on a mathematical theory and expect it to serve as a shortcut for storytelling.