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Czech Dream(Český sen)

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Czech Republic · 2004
1h 30m
Director Vít Klusák
Starring Varhan Orchestrovič Bauer, Jaromír Kalina , Vít Klusák, Martin Přikryl
Genre Crime, Documentary

Two students from the Czech Film Academy commission a leading advertising agency to organize a campaign for the opening of a new supermarket. The catch? The supermarket does not exist. A grand advertising campaign ensues, including television ads, posters, flyers, songs, an internet site, and more. Will people believe in it and show up for the grand opening?

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What are critics saying?


Los Angeles Times by

Czech Dream has an impish effectiveness. But what saves it from being an arrogantly aren't-we-clever? home movie is, refreshingly, the flimflammed masses themselves, lured as the bargain-hungry but left looking like cattle out for a graze.


TV Guide Magazine by Ken Fox

Whether you conclude that this project is a brilliant hoax that exposes how the rapid transition from communism to a free market economy has created an ad addicted, consumer-mad culture in the Czech Republic, or simply a cruel joke, one thing is undeniable. It's a fascinating account.


The New York Times by Stephen Holden

When they discover they've been made fools of, they accept this performance event with surprising equanimity. There is a lot of grumbling but no riot. They get the joke.


New York Post by V.A. Musetto

The film did well at the local box office and has been shown at some 40 international festivals. Eat your heart out, Michael Moore.

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