Screen International by Fionnuala Halligan
Bond has seen it all before, this team has done it all before, and the production juggernaut hits every beat with a carefully calibrated precision which can be deeply satisfying but also risk coming across as rote.
Variety by Guy Lodge
What’s missing is the unexpected emotional urgency of “Skyfall,” as the film sustains its predecessor’s nostalgia kick with a less sentimental bent.
CineVue by Joe Walsh
Like Skyfall, Spectre is loaded with allusions to the previous films in the franchise, undoubtedly providing much glee for Bond fans. The nods, quips, and general formula that audiences have come to know soon becomes weary and tiring, however.
Empire by Kim Newman
Even if this is less satisfying overall than Skyfall, there are sequences that rank with Bond’s best.
Total Film by Neil Smith
Though not as dramatically rich or emotionally compelling as Skyfall, Spectre still ranks as a sleek, pulse-pounding if slightly overlong entertainment.
The Playlist by Oliver Lyttelton
In general, this feels like a film patched together out of endless hastily-drafted script rewrites rather than a cohesive vision.
The Guardian by Peter Bradshaw
It’s deeply silly but uproariously entertaining. At the end, I almost felt guilty for enjoying it all quite so much - almost.
The Telegraph by Robbie Collin
It’s a feat of pure cinematic necromancy.
The Hollywood Reporter by Stephen Dalton
The first act is great, full of dark portent and bravura film-making flourishes. However, the final hour disappoints, with too many off-the-peg plot twists and too many characters conforming to type.
Time Out London by Tom Huddleston
An unbalanced but never less than entertaining film, enthralling and deflating in roughly equal measure, and studded with moments of true, old-school glory.