Slant Magazine by Diego Semerene
In the logic of the film, for the camera to move at all would feel like a betrayal of its contemplative hunger.
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China · 2015
2h 3m
Director Pema Tseden
Starring Shide Nyima, Yangshik Tso, Jinpa, Tsemdo Thar
Genre Drama
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Tharlo is an orphan who scrapes by on a meagre living as a sheep herder in the village. On a trip to town, he meets a girl who changes the course of his life and, in order to be with her, he sells all his sheep and those entrusted to him by the other villagers.
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
Slant Magazine by Diego Semerene
In the logic of the film, for the camera to move at all would feel like a betrayal of its contemplative hunger.
The Hollywood Reporter by Frank Scheck
The glacially paced film is ultimately more interesting for its ethnographic and technical aspects than its rudimentary storyline, although the marvelous deadpan performance by Nyima, an acclaimed Tibetan theater performer, provides a much-needed humanistic quality.
The New York Times by Glenn Kenny
Tharlo instead opts for fleeting charm and shaggy humanism, until the narrative takes a grim turn that’s both trite and sexist. The bottom drops out of the movie, leaving its interest almost exclusively ethnographic.
Torn between mountains and karaoke bars, Tharlo looks as lost as his lamb: a parallel delicately developed in this warm, wise fable of uncertainty.
The Guardian by Leslie Felperin
As a bit of anthropology offering a glimpse into Tibetan life today, it’s perfectly serviceable.
Screen International by Wendy Ide
For the most part, this is a beautifully judged picture from a director to note.
The adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence, and Beethoven.
An adventure adapted from J.K. Rowling's "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."
When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right.