New Times (L.A.) by Andy Klein
It's an interesting, often worthwhile, film, but humor isn't its strongest attribute.
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Germany · 2000
1h 49m
Director Doris Dörrie
Starring Uwe Ochsenknecht, Gustav-Peter Wöhler, Petra Zieser, Ulrike Kriener
Genre Comedy, Drama
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Two middle aged German brothers - one New Age and recently divorced, the other uptight and sceptical - travel to a Zen monastery in Japan in search of enlightenment, or perhaps just in search of themselves.
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
New Times (L.A.) by Andy Klein
It's an interesting, often worthwhile, film, but humor isn't its strongest attribute.
San Francisco Chronicle by Bob Graham
It is a warm, closely observed satire of lived life, and it is a charmer.
Ochsenknecht and Wohler are a strong double act, displaying exemplary comic timing and making the brothers a problem-plagued but likable pair.
L.A. Weekly by Hazel-Dawn Dumpert
Enlightenment Guaranteed is a parable of alienation and rediscovery told with such affection, insight and visual elegance, it could never be taken as preachy or stern.
Likable, go-with-the-flow comedy.
Los Angeles Times by Kevin Thomas
As funny as it is nourishing, and it has stellar performances from Uwe Ochsenknecht and Gustav Peter Wohler, who play off each other like Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau.
Austin Chronicle by Marrit Ingman
Depends on the two actors who all but carry it.
A man, thoroughly dissatisfied with his life, finds new meaning when he forms a fight club with soap salesman Tyler Durden.
Spider-Man faces a crisis from across the multiverse.