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Girl Asleep

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Australia · 2015
1h 17m
Director Rosemary Myers
Starring Bethany Whitmore, Harrison Feldman, Amber McMahon, Matthew Whittet
Genre Fantasy, Comedy, Drama

Greta Driscoll doesn't want to grow up; she is shy, innocent, and most of all, afraid of what the future might bring. Yet, at her 15th birthday party, Greta is propelled into a perplexing, parallel universe---one that is both surreal, erotic, and mystifying. Suddenly, she can't hide anymore...

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What are critics saying?


The Guardian by

This assured debut tells us teenage girls can – and will – save themselves.


Slant Magazine by Diego Semerene

From the overtly vibrant colors to the caricaturesque dimensions of the performances, the film's aesthetic promises a great allegorical message that never arrives.


Variety by Eddie Cockrell

Girl Asleep is an exuberant example of imaginative filmmaking that takes its cues from imagination and talent — with nary a focus group in sight.


The Playlist by Gary Garrison

For all the moments of visual flair and earnest fun, it’s a film so indebted to Anderson (among obvious others) that it never manages to become something of its own.


The Hollywood Reporter by Harry Windsor

Girl Asleep might be about an awakening, but it’s not a sexual awakening, and this is one teen comedy in which, at long last, the geek doesn’t get the girl.


The A.V. Club by Ignatiy Vishnevetsky

Never betraying an iota of lived experience, it trots out tropes seen in dozens of movies and sitcom episodes (the embarrassing dad, the big party, the fictional rock star crush, etc.), which can ring true only because they’ve been in circulation for decades.


Los Angeles Times by Robert Abele

The color riot, the polyester/shag décor and the cartoon portrayals detract. Girl Asleep thinks it’s a stylishly resonant fairy tale about identity when the primary takeaway is an exquisitely curated slide show.


Screen International by Sarah Ward

Myers crafts an effervescent yet astute splash of teen life that delights the eyes, warms the heart and tickles the funny bone in equal measures.


Boston Globe by Ty Burr

There’s a lot of talent here and a lot of enthusiasm; also a lot of influences that haven’t been successfully reprocessed into something convincing or fresh. It’s a mess, but a reasonably charming one.