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Mrs Brown

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United Kingdom, Ireland, United States · 1997
Rated PG · 1h 45m
Director John Madden
Starring Judi Dench, Billy Connolly, Geoffrey Palmer, Antony Sher
Genre Drama, History, Romance

Following the death of her husband, Queen Victoria becomes a recluse from the public eye. Only the companionship of her trusted servant and friend, Mr. Brown, brings her solace, but when the people catch wind of their relationship, rumors of scandal begin to circulate.

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What are critics saying?


The A.V. Club by

There's really no bad performance by the great English actress Judi Dench, but this romanticized Victorian historical drama treads close.


L.A. Weekly by Ella Taylor

Despite its Scottish scenery and period frocks, Madden's film proves a pallid creature indeed compared to the hanky-panky leaking out of Buckingham Palace of late.


Los Angeles Times by Kenneth Turan

Their personality types match up splendidly with the characters they play as well as each other, and Mrs. Brown's greatest pleasure is seeing and hearing them spar. Even with the gloves on, this is a battle well worth observing.


The Globe and Mail (Toronto) by Liam Lacey

Mrs. Brown will not overturn Queen Victoria's prim reputation, but it reminds us that there was more to the woman than that famous plump cameo that has become the symbol of a more modest era.


Chicago Sun-Times by Roger Ebert

A love story about two strong-willed people who find exhilaration in testing each other. It is not about sexual love, or even romantic love, really, but about that kind of love based on challenge and fascination.


Austin Chronicle by Russell Smith

Assuming that rich human insight, great production values, and topnotch acting still count for something, Mrs. Brown should have no trouble finding an appreciative audience.