New Times (L.A.) by Andy Klein
Stylish, but definitely not for the squeamish
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Korea · 1999
Rated R · 1h 58m
Director Chang Youn-hyun
Starring Han Suk-kyu, Shim Eun-ha, Jang Hang-seon, Yu Jun-sang
Genre Thriller, Horror, Crime, Mystery
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In Seoul, parts not matching of severed copses of three men are found in cars and bags left in public spaces...
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
New Times (L.A.) by Andy Klein
Stylish, but definitely not for the squeamish
Director Yang Joon-hyun works scrupulously from the Hollywood serial murder playbook, and delivers something which does its job, even as its last reel flounders with several too many plot twists, but has no particular reason to exist.
The New York Times by Dana Stevens
It doles out information so arbitrarily that you are robbed of the twin pleasures of figuring out clues and figuring out you've been fooled.
A crackerjack serial-killer chiller in "Seven" mold, Tell Me Something cleverly disguises its thoroughly generic content and leaps of logic with highly honed technique and an involving approach to narrative.
New York Post by Jonathan Foreman
Familiar and predictable enough, especially if you have seen Hollywood serial-killer thrillers like "Se7en."
For all the blood spilt -- and there are gallons of it -- this is a surprisingly understated thriller.
Los Angeles Times by Kevin Thomas
Not ultimately original enough to sustain its many horrific images.
Village Voice by Michael Atkinson
Stylish, sullen, and a little predictable, Tell Me Something is the match of any American film in its quasi-genre, though you suspect that without a world market to target, it might've been even more anxious and intrepid.
San Francisco Chronicle by Mick LaSalle
A complicated and stylish Korean thriller that will make viewers' skin crawl.
Director Chang builds some chilling suspense into the cop's grim investigative routine -- as well as generous helpings of blood: It runs, splashes and sprays as the amputations continue.
You never know what you have until its gone.
A desperate man is a dangerous thing.
LOVE and MURDER are the two consuming passions of the Rue Morgue!
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