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Searching for Sugar Man

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Sweden, United Kingdom, Finland · 2012
Rated PG-13 · 1h 25m
Director Malik Bendjelloul
Starring Dennis Coffey, Rodriguez, Stephen Segerman, Mike Theodore
Genre Documentary, Music

Two South Africans set out to discover what happened to their unlikely musical hero, the mysterious 1970s rock 'n' roller named Rodriguez. This is the true story of a rock icon who became a smashing success in South Africa after believing he’d failed in his musical career in America.

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The Hollywood Reporter by

While all the interview subjects are enthusiastic, the overall lack of familiarity with Rodriquez's personal background and career collapse begin to drag.


Empire by Anna Smith

Music fans will love this indie documentary. Try to avoid Googling him before you watch, though.


Time Out by Joshua Rothkopf

So why is this songwriter, so articulate on vinyl, so vague and spacey in current-day interviews? Something happened here, deeper than an aborted quest for fame, and the documentary hasn't gotten to it.


The A.V. Club by Nathan Rabin

Though unabashedly manipulative in its storytelling and structure, Searching For Sugar Man ultimately earns its happy ending and buzzy, crowd-pleasing populist appeal by alchemizing trembling inner-city pain into transcendent international beauty.

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