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Uruguay, Argentina, Germany · 2010
1h 28m
Director Adrián Biniez
Starring Horacio Camandulle, Leonor Svarcas, Néstor Guzzini, Federico Garcia
Genre Drama, Romance

Jara is a quiet, gentle security guard who works the graveyard shift at a grocery store. As he monitors the store's surveillance cameras, he notices a pretty janitor named Julia. He becomes enamored with her, but lacks the confidence to act on his feelings, so takes to following her around town and admiring her from afar.

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Village Voice by

With potentially lethargic materials, Biniez has made a quiet, intent, involving film, a moony-innocent urban alienation fairy tale of bashful ogre and village beauty--and it never quite crests.


Time Out by David Fear

The problem is that the film also refuses to move beyond a glacial pace, and its choice to go slow-and-low doesn’t scream art-house aesthetic so much as unintentionally sluggish. For such a small character study, that decision ends up being a doozy of a deal breaker.


Chicago Tribune by Michael Phillips

Gigante represents the sort of artful low-budget accomplishment that could, and should, be coming out of distressingly stingy Chicago once a year — whatever the subject, whatever the sensibility.


Chicago Sun-Times by Roger Ebert

Because of the limitations imposed by the nature of Gigante, and because of Jara's simple, almost childish shyness, the film doesn't transcend its characters. Like Jara, it waits and watches.


New York Post by V.A. Musetto

Camandule gives a strong performance as the lovesick guard, but Svarcas gets little chance to show her skills. There's minimal dialogue and camera movement -- but lots of charm.

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