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Kamikaze Girls(下妻物語)

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Japan · 2004
1h 42m
Director Tetsuya Nakashima
Starring Kyoko Fukada, Anna Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki Miyasako, Ryoko Shinohara
Genre Comedy, Drama

Momoko is an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. Ordinary, that is, if you define ordinary as wearing elaborate lolita dresses from the Rococo period in 18th Century France. However, when punk girl and self-styled 'Yanki' Ichiko comes calling, her days as 'ordinary' are most certainly numbered...

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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What are critics saying?


Village Voice by

If you value plausibility in movies, skip Kamikaze Girls; this is the sort of picture where getting run over by a truck gives a character gorgeous hair instead of a broken hip.


L.A. Weekly by Chuck Wilson

For this viewer, the climactic scooter-gang rumble, heavy on plot twists and empowerment speeches, felt eternal, but for many, the happy silliness of the film's first half should carry the day.


Variety by Derek Elley

Wears out its welcome at 100 minutes, but could find an audience in the West as a latenight attraction at gay fests.


TV Guide Magazine by Ken Fox

But it's all done with such high style and whizzes along at such an exhausting pace that you probably won't have enough time to notice how little you care.


Entertainment Weekly by Scott Brown

For the Western viewer, the cultural divide acts as a saccharine filter, and Kamikaze, a cult hit in Japan, becomes a mesmerizing lesson in otherness.


New York Post by V.A. Musetto

What Kamikaze Girls doesn't have is a plot. As nice as the film looks, it soon grows tiresome -- though I could listen to the Johann Strauss II soundtrack forever.