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Sleepless Night(Nuit Blanche)

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France, Belgium, Luxembourg · 2011
1h 38m
Director Frédéric Jardin
Starring Tomer Sisley, Julien Boisselier, JoeyStarr, Serge Riaboukine
Genre Action, Comedy, Thriller, Romance

Vincent is a crooked cop whose drug heist goes wrong when he is stabbed and his identity is discovered. Vincent escapes with a bag of cocaine, but it belongs to a powerful mob boss who kidnaps his son for ransom. Now he has until the end of the night to return the stash and save his son...

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The A.V. Club by

Given how much it's in motion, Sleepless Night doesn't have much time for character development, but Sisley is a memorable antihero whose toughness barely masks his growing desperation and exhaustion, as his bleeding knife wound serves as the film's version of a countdown clock.


Time Out by David Fear

An American remake is already being prepped. We suggest Hollywood simply cries uncle now and calls it a day.


The New York Times by Jeannette Catsoulis

Hectic and harebrained, this galloping French thriller tosses a potpourri of plot points - crooked cops, sleazy gangsters, stolen drugs and an underage hostage - into a packed-to-the-gills nightclub, and stirs. Repeatedly.


Austin Chronicle by Kimberley Jones

Sisley is a former stand-up comic, although you'd never guess it here: Finding himself in the eye of a colossal shit storm of his own making, his Vincent is brusque and action oriented, his face, a picture of ulceration in progress.


Variety by Rob Nelson

There's no mistaking Jardin's playful mastery of the Hollywood-style action aesthetic; his movie starts in high gear and accelerates steadily from there.


Boston Globe by Ty Burr

It's fast, lean, satisfying, and forgettable; nothing special, really, until you realize that the movies have largely lost the knack for brisk mayhem like this.