The New York Times by A.O. Scott
A mellow dream of a movie that's an acquired taste. It's attractive because of the oblique way that Mr. Wenders ambles through a murder mystery that's stronger on characterization than on plot.
Germany, United Kingdom, United States · 2000
Rated R · 2h 2m
Director Wim Wenders
Starring Mel Gibson, Milla Jovovich, Jeremy Davies, Amanda Plummer
Genre Drama, Thriller
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The Million Dollar Hotel starts with a jump from a roof top that clears up a death in a hotel that was burning to the ground where a lot of strange people had been living.
The New York Times by A.O. Scott
A mellow dream of a movie that's an acquired taste. It's attractive because of the oblique way that Mr. Wenders ambles through a murder mystery that's stronger on characterization than on plot.
Wenders creates an imaginative, stylized cityscape, but what's missing is the compelling story that could bring the setting to life.
San Francisco Chronicle by Bob Graham
Gutter romance meets metaphysical thriller.
There's a vacancy in The Million Dollar Hotel, and it's between Wim Wenders' ears.
New York Daily News by Elizabeth Weitzman
Conceived by U2's Bono, it's not quite as bad as it might have been. After all, its own star, Mel Gibson, has famously called this tale of destitute misfits "as boring as a dog's a——."
The film isn't very good. The Million Dollar Hotel is an uneasy melding of Hollywood shtick and art-house sensibilities.
So silly it's best taken ironically. But the film, much of it shot digitally, is also astonishingly beautiful.
Los Angeles Times by Kevin Thomas
A fantasy, a fairy tale, but its characters and the emotions they elicit become painfully real.
Village Voice by Michael Atkinson
Wenders's The Million Dollar Hotel is something of a monstrosity -- liquored self-indulgence taken to its own astral plane.
Entertainment Weekly by Owen Gleiberman
If any of these characters were half as resonant as Wenders appears to think they are, the film might have seemed charming instead of merely stranded.
One weekend, wearing her new red dress at a local dance, Iris sleeps with Aarne, whom she believes is her new boyfriend.
In Napoleonic France, a controversial writer is confined to an insane asylum, but his punishment only fuels his fire.
In Havana, music isn't a pastime, it's a way of life.
Get ready for mush hour!
Can mankind defeat the army of darkness unleashed by an ancient evil cult?
Inept criminals gather a team together to try and dig a tunnel into a pawnshop and rob a safe.
Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost.
A day in the life of an actor who has many appointments. But no audience.
A moment. A tragic accident. And nothing will ever be the same again.
A demonic entity follows a young female cab driver into a run-down police station.
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One weekend, wearing her new red dress at a local dance, Iris sleeps with Aarne, whom she believes is her new boyfriend.
In Napoleonic France, a controversial writer is confined to an insane asylum, but his punishment only fuels his fire.
In Havana, music isn't a pastime, it's a way of life.
Get ready for mush hour!
Can mankind defeat the army of darkness unleashed by an ancient evil cult?
Inept criminals gather a team together to try and dig a tunnel into a pawnshop and rob a safe.
Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost.
A day in the life of an actor who has many appointments. But no audience.
A moment. A tragic accident. And nothing will ever be the same again.
A demonic entity follows a young female cab driver into a run-down police station.