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Solomon and Gaenor

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United Kingdom · 1999
Rated R · 1h 45m
Director Paul Morrison
Starring Ioan Gruffudd, Nia Roberts, Sue Jones-Davies, William Thomas
Genre Drama, Romance

Gaenor, born into a family of strict chapel-goers, adores Solomon, a young door-to-door salesman, who conceals his Jewish identity from Gaenor and her family. The couple, from similar yet very distinctive worlds, fall helplessly in love. The odds are against them, however, as the outraged community in which they live conspires to destroy their fragile happiness.

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What are critics saying?


Los Angeles Times by Kevin Thomas

By the time the heavy-handed Solomon & Gaenor is over, it has become such a punishing exercise in the self-evident that one is left numb and eager for escape.


Chicago Reader by Lisa Alspector

A graceful, understated sense of period allows the behavior of the characters in this love story to be unusually nuanced, making their experiences seem uncontrived as well as archetypal.


Chicago Sun-Times by Roger Ebert

With Solomon & Gaenor, it is hard to overlook the folly of the characters. Does it count as a tragedy when the characters get more or less what they were asking for?