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United Kingdom, Belgium · 2018
Rated PG · 1h 34m
Director Mandie Fletcher
Starring Beattie Edmondson, Ed Skrein, Tom Bennett, Gemma Jones
Genre Comedy, Family

Sarah Francis' life is a hot mess. She feels isolated, depressed, and unconfident about finding love after her most recent failed romance...Yet, one day, she's greeted with a cuddly surprise, as her grandmother unexpectedly gives her a pug named Patrick. Suddenly, Patrick, with all his stubby, stumpy attitude, begins to turn her life around.

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Film Threat by

This film is arguably one of the most unsatisfying films I’ve had the disservice to watch.


Variety by Courtney Howard

Though the narrative tends to be a touch too simplistic for most grown-ups, and lacks enough riotous dog action for the little ones, there’s enough bite to make things worthwhile for those who just want to enjoy a sweet, wholesome dog movie.


The Hollywood Reporter by Frank Scheck

The whole enterprise seems like an advertisement for the breed, the ownership of which will apparently improve your life immeasurably while making a holy mess of it.


Empire by Ian Freer

Part mystery, part black comedy, part metaphor for loss, Patrick is a nakedly true original. It also has the best caravan fight since Kill Bill Vol. 2.


CineVue by Jamie Neish

The script, credited to no more than three screenwriters (one of which being Vanessa Davies, who came up with the idea), is predictable and innocuous, yet peppered with comedic moments that are deserving of a chuckle or two, if only for the way they’re played by the talented cast.


Los Angeles Times by Kimber Myers

Though the family-friendly comedy has all the good intentions of a motivational puppy poster, it unfortunately also has the same level of intelligence and plot.


The Guardian by Peter Bradshaw

It’s a film jam-packed with very good actors and big names, and suffused with a puppyish willingness to please. But where is the bite?


The Observer (UK) by Wendy Ide

While the eponymous star of this film is a fairly robust example of the breed, with eyeballs that appear to be securely wedged into its skull, there’s a frisson of anxiety whenever he’s on screen that undermines any attempts at comedy.