The New York Times by Dana Stevens
An easygoing exercise, impossible to dislike but not especially memorable, engaging but finally derivative:
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Bolivia · 1999
1h 48m
Director Paolo Agazzi
Starring Darío Grandinetti, Gustavo Angarita, Elías Serrano, Norma Merlo
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance
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A handsome and mysterious stranger, played by Darío Grandinetti, walks into the town square of Villaserena one day and strategically places loudspeakers around the town, blaring a variety of musical tunes. Soon, he begins to sell airtime to the various locals, who broadcast their own personal love dedications and (more frequently) insults for all to hear. A subplot evolves between Abelardo (the stranger), Celeste (a young woman who is chained inside her father's house to stop her running away), and José (a young man).
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
The New York Times by Dana Stevens
An easygoing exercise, impossible to dislike but not especially memorable, engaging but finally derivative:
A modest picture with quiet ambitions that is likely to disappear into that lush tropical rainforest where so many films of this sort, some much worse and others much better, have all gone in time. Catch it while you can.
New York Daily News by Jack Mathews
The story is fascinating for its simplicity and its inherent truths about the downside of progress.
Delightful Bolivian comedy, which also works as a sly critique of mass media.
What appears to be the thrust of the story -- the unraveling of a society -- loses out to a tame, romantic triangle subplot.
Village Voice by Michael Atkinson
Agazzi's movie rather provincially hints at sexiness, humor, and satire without actually manifesting them.
Enchanting, multilayered fable.
Comedy with a light-hearted flair. The cast is charming, and Garcia is especially easy on the eye.
An adventure adapted from J.K. Rowling's "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."
When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right.
A linguist is recruited by the military to decipher the language of aliens that have landed on Earth.
A poor family lies and schemes their way into the employ of a wealthy household — successfully, but with great consequences.