Screen International by Allan Hunter
Jude makes us think and makes us feel and succeeds in making Blecher a presence in the film.
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Romania, Germany, Belgium · 2016
2h 21m
Director Radu Jude
Starring Lucian Teodor Rus, Ivana Mladenović, Ilinca Hărnuț, Șerban Pavlu
Genre Drama
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Based on Max Blecher's novel, Scarred Hearts follows Emmanuel, a patient at a sanitarium in the 1930s who suffers from bone tuberculosis. However, after falling in love with another patient, Emmanuel strives to live his life to the fullest despite his condition.
Screen International by Allan Hunter
Jude makes us think and makes us feel and succeeds in making Blecher a presence in the film.
The New York Times by Ben Kenigsberg
It’s the rare page-to-screen adaptation in which the camera becomes an essential character. The action often unfolds in long shot, with crowded compositions in which the principals are obscured by door frames. Over time, the withholding of conventional editing patterns and the sensitization to subtle changes in camera placement become an analogue for Emanuel’s entrapment.
The Hollywood Reporter by Boyd van Hoeij
Whereas Aferim! was a thrilling epic that uncovered a piece of Romanian history heretofore largely ignored, Hearts hardly develops a pulse, hiding the faces of the protagonists in immobile medium and wide shots while any possible emotions get snowed under by non-contextualized intellectual musings and socio-politico-historical details.
Slant Magazine by Clayton Dillard
Despite the film's bleak premise, writer-director Radu Jude finds dark humor within the certainty of death.
Because of its vignette-based structure, the film never coalesces into a single, engaging narrative, but it’s rich with wonderful moments.
Emanuel’s likeability (more apparent in the film than in Blecher’s novel) unquestionably helps bridge the extended running time, and Solange is a fascinating character, liberated yet still drawn to the scene of her hospitalization. The film also has a sense of humor...but the project never quite comes together.
The New Yorker by Richard Brody
The director, Radu Jude, unfolds the horrific treatment, involving long needles, tight wraps, and a full-body cast, with an unflinching and fascinated specificity that contrasts with the teeming theatrical tableaux in which he films life in the lavish facility.
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