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Whores' Glory

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Germany, Austria · 2011
1h 50m
Director Michael Glawogger
Genre Documentary

Several stories of sex work around the world. This documentary revolves around the lives and individual hopes, needs and experiences of the women.

Stream Whores' Glory

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Village Voice by

Michael Glawogger's fearless Whores' Glory demystifies trick turning with a bluntness and sneaky artistry that's sure to make even the most jaded of us choke on our next sitcom-hooker-joke chuckle.


Time Out by David Fear

There are no lava-spewing natural phenomena or gut-wrenching slaughterhouse sequences in this unofficial companion piece, but you do witness sex tourists in Bangkok choosing numbered "girlfriends" as if they were picking out lobsters in a tank.


NPR by Mark Jenkins

Austrian documentarian Michael Glawogger's Whore's Glory is no "Pretty Woman." But neither does it qualify as an expose.


San Francisco Chronicle by Mick LaSalle

Whores' Glory, is as sad a film as you can possibly see. To experience it is to be haunted by the bleakness and ugliness of prostitution, the hopeless trap of it, and the defeat of love that it represents.


The A.V. Club by Scott Tobias

Glawogger studiously avoids explicitness until he gets to Mexico, where he finally goes past the bartering stage and behind closed doors as business is conducted. Pleasure isn't part of the transaction.

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