New Times (L.A.) by David Ehrenstein
Not as tumultuous as "Happy Together" (the best gay break-up movie to date) it nonetheless offers much food for thought, particularly in regard to issues of trust and condom use.
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Canada · 2000
1h 26m
Director Quentin Lee
Starring Reggie Lee, Andy Steinlen, Jonathon Roessler, Desi del Valle
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance
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Ryan has been with his boyfriend, Joel, for three years. When he meets handsome student Leo at a party, he comes to the decision that Leo must be his soulmate. However, having broken up with Joel, Ryan discovers his newfound freedom may not be everything he hoped.
New Times (L.A.) by David Ehrenstein
Not as tumultuous as "Happy Together" (the best gay break-up movie to date) it nonetheless offers much food for thought, particularly in regard to issues of trust and condom use.
Lee crafts actions and situations that are credible without being particularly engrossing -- recognition doesn't necessarily translate into absorbsion.
Like "Run Lola Run," Drift circles back on itself to present a trio of possible outcomes, but it's R.T. Lee's sterling performance that rivets.
Los Angeles Times by Kevin Thomas
Drift is a slender, intimate tale that is thoughtful and revealing, nicely written, directed and acted.
One of the year's best films. An extraordinary work of intellectual maturity and emotional depth.
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