Instead of a claustrophobic thriller à la "Die Hard" or "The Raid," Lockdown is a kind of puzzle-box movie, but it hardly seems worth the effort, for the filmmakers or for the audience. Ol’ Jackie needn’t have bothered getting up for this.
What are people saying?
What are critics saying?
The film's subtitle is apropos, as this is a decidedly locked-down and lead-footed talk-o-rama.
Los Angeles Times by Martin Tsai
The engaging plot gets a bit absurd toward the end.
Lockdown is mostly a humorless bore until the obligatory bloopers and outtakes in the end credits—and even those are drawing from a flat vein, since there’s so little play in the movie.
75 by Simon Abrams
An uneven but satisfying hostage crisis thriller that is also a perfect example of the type of late-period films martial arts star Jackie Chan has decided to make after entering middle age.