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Norway · 2006
Rated R · 1h 45m
Director Joachim Trier
Starring Anders Danielsen Lie, Espen Klouman Høiner, Viktoria Winge, Christian Rubeck
Genre Drama

Erik and Phillip, two competitive friends, dream of becoming stars in the Norwegian literary scene. As one flourishes and the other struggles, tensions begin to rise and challenge the friendship. With the pressure to write the next great novel escalating, love and illness start to get in the way of their dreams.

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What are people saying?

Olivia Bauer Profile picture for Olivia Bauer

Joachim Trier masterfully captures the struggles of friendship, love, and creating art while facing the realities of becoming an adult. A gritty and emotional first feature that sets the stage for the director’s Oslo trilogy.

What are critics saying?


Variety by

Final result, with its peculiar happy ending that may or may not be a further fantasy, may leave some auds feeling more drained than satisfied. It's a bit like spending 105 minutes with a litter of frisky, mischievous puppies.


Los Angeles Times by Carina Chocano

Norwegian director Joachim Trier's inspiring first feature Reprise joyfully tackles the process of self-creation, as well as the friendships that feed and sustain it. He captures, in a way that's cool and romantic and heady, the moment in life when nothing matters more than ideas, influences and the possibility of shaping one's life into a work of art.


USA Today by Claudia Puig

With its almost stream-of-consciousness style, Reprise offers a fresh and compelling look at the vagaries of friendship and creativity.


New York Magazine (Vulture) by David Edelstein

Broadly, this is a coming-of-age movie in the "Diner" mold: Trier tracks Phillip and Erik and a few of their pals as they stagger into a world that can't be attuned to their (male adolescent) expectations--especially in regard to women.


Wall Street Journal by Joe Morgenstern

Anders Danielsen Lie, gives a performance that's as distinctive as any in recent memory -- casually witty, remarkably graceful and yet terrifying in its explosiveness.


TV Guide Magazine by Ken Fox

The result is a rich and touching exploration of the vagaries of fortune, literary reputation and, above all, friendship that works on several levels at once. The soundtrack includes songs by Joy Division, New Order and Le Tigre.


The New York Times by Manohla Dargis

An exuberant, exhilaratingly playful testament to being young and hungry -- for life and meaning and immortality, and for other young and restless bodies -- Reprise is a blast of unadulterated movie pleasure.


The A.V. Club by Scott Tobias

Like many debut features, Reprise is a foremost a statement of purpose, and in that respect, at least, Trier shows limitless promise.

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