The villain comes back more times than Wile E. Coyote. I found it tiresome and witless and numbingly repetitive, but action mavens won't feel cheated.
What are people saying?
What are critics saying?
Unfolds as a thrilling piece of entertainment, but it has a third act and ending that don’t work and shouldn’t ever work.
Christian Science Monitor by David Sterritt
If none of this seems particularly fresh, you're right. "T3" is strikingly similar to "T2" and "T," reflecting Hollywood's reluctance to tamper with a hit series.
Less about the characters than about the first two movies, whose best scenes it congeals into ritual or parody.
It puts almost everything it has into its explosive set pieces, but manages to instill the audience with just enough emotional involvement. If, Ah-nold decides to come bach again, this installment should ensure he has an audience.
Charlotte Observer by Lawrence Toppman
Though this film doesn't have the novelty value of the first or the complex plotting of the second, it boasts the most spectacular single sequence.
Pointless and mind-numbing.
Austin Chronicle by Marc Savlov
Reality has overtaken the movies here, which, I suppose, makes T3 all the more cathartically appealing. At least onscreen we have Arnold Schwarzenegger in our corner.
Washington Post by Michael O'Sullivan
Wastes no time getting very loud and very silly and never really lets up.
San Francisco Chronicle by Mick LaSalle
Has its moments, and Schwarzenegger is as buff and tough as ever. But there's a flat feeling about this effort that's unmistakable and inescapable.