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Happily Ever After(Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants)

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France · 2004
Rated PG-13 · 1h 40m
Director Yvan Attal
Starring Charlotte Gainsbourg, Yvan Attal, Alain Chabat, Alain Cohen
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance

Three middle-aged Frenchmen struggle with their love lives, stuck in a web of sex and marital deceit that links a handful of their Parisian friends, spouses and lovers.

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Village Voice by

This would-be comedy about a thirtysomething family man (Attal) and his foray into infidelity is probably the worst in the putrid bushel of recent Gallic imports.


Variety by Lisa Nesselson

Repetitive and needlessly prolonged tale does build to an inspired final scene, but it's too little, too late.


TV Guide Magazine by Maitland McDonagh

Attal's characters are one-note position statements, which forces the unsubtle soundtrack - mostly American pop songs that range from the Velvet Underground's "Sunday Morning" to Radiohead's "Creep" - to bear the brunt of clarifying their thoughts and feelings. Without it, you'd be entirely in the dark.


The New Republic by Stanley Kauffmann

The most important aspect of the stories about all five characters is the way they are told. Attal and his editor Jennifer Augé have found an attractive playful style: they never let the stories rest, almost juggling them, and keep them gamboling before us.


Salon by Stephanie Zacharek

Happily Ever After is an exhilarating, joyous picture, but it's sometimes terrifying, too. It offers a vision of marriage as an adventure we embark on together, alone. If you didn't cry, you'd laugh.


The New York Times by Stephen Holden

Nobody does adultery in movies with more style and zest than the French, especially when the mode is frivolous. And anyone who watches Happily Ever After can identify with the grass-is-always-greener daydreams that haunt its characters.


New York Post by V.A. Musetto

You need a scorecard to keep track of who's bedding whom in Happily Ever After, a tres French take on sex and love, in that order.