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The Columnist(De Kuthoer)

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Netherlands · 2019
1h 23m
Director Ivo van Aart
Starring Katja Herbers, Bram Van Der Kelen, Claire Porro, Genio De Groot
Genre Comedy, Horror, TV Movie

Columnist and author Femke is flooded with anonymous nasty messages and death threats on social media. When, one day, the hate becomes too much for her, she decides to take revenge.

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Washington Post by Ann Hornaday

Unfortunately, The Columnist doesn’t live up to its initial promise: What might have been a trenchant cultural critique couched within poisonously playful genre exercise becomes an indulgence in undifferentiated rage for its own graphic sake.


The New York Times by Beatrice Loayza

The Columnist doesn’t seem to care about making a cogent statement about feminist revenge or online culture. Perhaps it just needed an excuse to carry out its bloody high jinks, which are decent fun in their own right.


CineVue by Christopher Machell

Fun, violent and cathartic, but with an air of arch self-satisfaction that misses the complexity of the debate it constructs around itself.


IndieWire by Kate Erbland

Van Aart and Windhorst make brief forays into interrogating the morality of what Femke is doing; they are fascinating and layered, and in too short supply. Hebers bridges many gaps with a fluid performance that moves between zippy joy and stone-faced sociopathy.


The Guardian by Phil Hoad

Ivo van Aart’s movie gives full rein to that desire and is snappily directed – but in the end there is something self-satisfied and sententious about his feminist revenge flick.


Original-Cin by Thom Ernst

Despite the film's willingness to playfully stir unrest, it never reaches its full potential, and the promise of confronting abusers who hide behind avatars gets second billing to a less exciting defense of free speech. And yet, The Columnist works because of Katja Herbers’ performance.

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