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Baby Done

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New Zealand · 2020
1h 31m
Director Curtis Vowell
Starring Rose Matafeo, Matthew Lewis, Emily Barclay, Rachel House
Genre Comedy

When Zoe falls pregnant to her long-term boyfriend, Tim, she freaks out. Though Tim is excited by the prospect of fatherhood, Zoe isn't quite ready to let go of her adventurous, childless life. She decides to live out all her dreams before the baby arrives, and she won't let pregnancy stop her.

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Time Out by

Baby Done offers a typically Kiwi spin on the we’re-having-a-baby genre, powered by the awkward-girl charms of standup star (and Edinburgh Comedy Award winner) Rose Matafeo.


Original-Cin by Liam Lacey

The whole package — written by Sarah Henderson and directed by her husband Curtis Vowell — has a casual, episodic vibe, mixing sardonic banter and broad physical comedy.


Movie Nation by Roger Moore

Matafeo just bubbles off the screen here, a cluelessly confidant young woman just oozing snark and misguided notions of how “This changes nothing.“ Lewis makes a fine straight man for her to bounce off of.


The Observer (UK) by Wendy Ide

Tinder-dry delivery bolsters the film’s gentle humour, and while the momentum sags a little in the second half, the natural chemistry between Matafeo and Lewis keeps the audience invested and the story relatable.

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