The New Yorker by Anthony Lane
We are left to rue This Is Our Land as an opportunity missed, and to wonder how else the tale could have been told.
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France, Belgium · 2017
Rated PG · 1h 57m
Director Lucas Belvaux
Starring André Dussollier, Guillaume Gouix, Catherine Jacob, Anne Marivin
Genre Drama
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Pauline is a nurse and single mother, devoted to both her work and her two children and popular amongst neighbors and patients alike. One day, Pauline catches the eye of the leaders of an extremist political party, who then approach her with the suggestion that she become their candidate in the mayoral elections.
The New Yorker by Anthony Lane
We are left to rue This Is Our Land as an opportunity missed, and to wonder how else the tale could have been told.
At times the film seems to struggle to find the right aperture: It hints at elements I wanted to know more about, and occasionally goes into avenues that seem to distract from Pauline’s compelling storyline.
Throughout the film, Lucas Belvaux sidelines the emotional textures that might complicate all his sermonizing.
Los Angeles Times by Gary Goldstein
This Is Our Land emerges as a vital portrait of political machination, human duality, the power of fear-mongering and how people can reflexively divide into "us and them."
The New York Times by Glenn Kenny
The drama is well-paced, and all of the actors are wonderful. Mr. Dussollier, a regular presence in the late works of Alain Resnais, is resourceful in communicating Berthier’s disturbing dual nature, and Ms. Dequenne remains appealing even when her character is making the most grievously ill-advised choices.
The film is so calculated in its plotting that it loses some of its chill.
The A.V. Club by Mike D'Angelo
Belvaux has made a gutsy, discomfiting movie about going along to get along, and just how dangerous that impulse can ultimately be.
This is Our Land’s biggest flaw lies in the bluntness of its message and approach.
A compelling, stripped-down, and surreal account of the shift from Paganism to Christianity.
They're good boys with bad attitude!
A lawyer agrees to defend a friend accused of attempted murder.
Some secrets should remain buried
The end of an empire. The birth of two nations.