The film’s bleak, Coen-esque sense of isolation, cold brutality and clutch of confident performances...make for a decent and engaging story that culminates in an enjoyably nasty conclusion.
What are people saying?
What are critics saying?
The New York Times by A.O. Scott
Even though, in retrospect, The Ardennes feels a little obvious and secondhand, it unfolds with enough speed and wit to hold your attention.
The climax quickens the film’s pulse but doesn’t exactly grow organically from what’s proceeded it.
In the end, for all the artistry on display, The Ardennes is more admirable than inspiring. It has style, and even suspense, but relatively little imagination.
Slant Magazine by Clayton Dillard
It predictably lurches toward acts of extreme violence with little interest other than the instant titillation such moments afford.
The Hollywood Reporter by John DeFore
A promising if not quite audacious debut by Robin Pront, the film benefits from a solidly envisioned family dynamic but doesn't really generate much heat until its final act.
This is a punchy and promising debut from Pront.
The A.V. Club by Mike D'Angelo
First-time director Robin Pront serves up plenty of brooding atmosphere, but the screenplay, adapted from a stage play by Pront and Jeroen Perceval (who also plays the sensible Harvey Keitel role), never succeeds in eluding genre cliché.
The Guardian by Peter Bradshaw
A disappointment.