The New York Times by A.O. Scott
An inviting piece of film. Mr. Rubbo's cast of characters have the charisma of true devotees and stoked egos that match their intentions.
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Australia · 2001
1h 10m
Director Michael Rubbo
Starring Michael Rubbo, Mark Rylance
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Did Christopher Marlowe write the works of Shakespeare?
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
The New York Times by A.O. Scott
An inviting piece of film. Mr. Rubbo's cast of characters have the charisma of true devotees and stoked egos that match their intentions.
Christian Science Monitor by David Sterritt
All right, it's far-fetched. But it's fun to think about, and Rubbo makes a merry case. Will the real Bard of Avon please stand up?
Utterly fascinating, playfully probing mystery story.
It's a pleasingly Hollywood notion that plays well with Rubbo's interpolated quotes from "Shakespeare in Love."
New York Daily News by Jack Mathews
Barely qualifies as a documentary. It's the personal journey of a man hoping to claim a million-dollar literary prize by proving that Marlowe wrote Shakespeare.
It's good fun, and the whole debate raises some interesting questions about larger questions of authorship and whether or not it ultimately matters who "Shakespeare" actually was.
An entertaining documentary.
San Francisco Chronicle by Mick LaSalle
Has enough wit, energy and geniality to please everyone.