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Reel Injun

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Canada (Quebec) · 2010
1h 26m
Director Jeremiah Hayes
Starring Adam Beach, Charlie Hill, Chris Eyre, Clint Eastwood
Genre Documentary, Western

The evolution of the depiction of Native Americans in film, from the silent era until today, featuring clips from hundreds of movies and candid interviews with famous directors, writers and actors, Native and non-Native: how their image on the screen transforms the way to understand their history and culture.

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Village Voice by

Combining a road trip from his native Arctic reservation to Los Angeles with an archival cinematic survey, Diamond's treatment of each is perfunctory to the point of inutility.


Time Out by David Fear

The first-person sections, however, couldn’t be more clumsy or grating, and every time Diamond’s tone-deaf narration starts repeating the obvious, you can feel an eye-opening history lesson turning into a quirky, orbs-glazing travelogue.


Variety by Joe Leydon

The tone of Reel Injun is respectfully serious, though well short of angry, while focusing on how the stereotypical depictions of marauding redskins affected the self-images of Native Americans.


Boxoffice Magazine by Pam Grady

There are gaps here and there, but it provides a fascinating introduction to a corner of film history that has gotten too little attention.


New York Post by V.A. Musetto

Examines in entertaining detail the way Hollywood has treated North American natives going as far back as the days of silent flicks.

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