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United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark · 2019
Rated PG · 1h 30m
Director Viktor Kossakovsky
Genre Documentary

A film that explores and investigates water in all of its forms, from the precarious frozen waters of Russia’s Lake Baikal to Miami in the throes of Hurricane Irma and Venezuela’s mighty Angel Falls, the destructive and impersonal effects of water's power is put on display.

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Variety by Guy Lodge

A feast of HD imagery so crisp as to be almost disorienting, this is immersive experiential cinema with no firm storytelling trajectory, though viewers can read what environmental warnings they may into its rushing spectacle.


The New York Times by Jeannette Catsoulis

The movie, like the elemental forces we continue to exacerbate, never explains itself. Surrender to it, though, and a narrative - of spectacle, conflict and retaliation - will eventually become clear.


Wall Street Journal by Joe Morgenstern

A work of singular beauty and a significant technical achievement, the film makes water audible — the thumps and groans of calving glaciers sound like the planet coming apart — and almost palpable; heaving mountains of blue-black waves in an Atlantic storm convey stupendous mass and titanic energy as in no motion picture I’ve seen before.


The A.V. Club by Noel Murray

Aquarela is first and foremost a spectacle. When the Apocalyptica music is cranked up high, and the screen’s awash in dazzlingly sharp, hypnotically swirling images of cresting waves, viewers could certainly take a moment to contemplate the importance of water to our global ecosystem. Or they could just drink it in.


Rolling Stone by Peter Travers

This eyepopper from Russian director-writer-cinematographer-editor Victor Kossakovsky (¡Vivan Las Antípodas!) is like nothing you’ve ever seen. His free-form documentary on water opens by scaring us to death.

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