The New York Times by Andy Webster
This isn’t activism; it’s by-the-numbers suspense.
China, Malaysia, United States · 2014
Rated R · 1h 36m
Director Alan White
Starring John Cusack, Ryan Phillippe, Rachelle Lefevre, Jacki Weaver
Genre Thriller
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After their newly adopted daughter goes missing in a small town, Steven and Shannon will stop at nothing to uncover the truth behind her disappearance and the dangerous secret behind the adoption agency they trusted. Risking their own lives, they will discover just what being a parent means and how far they will go to get their child back.
The New York Times by Andy Webster
This isn’t activism; it’s by-the-numbers suspense.
Alan White’s polished but pedestrian pic mines little real suspense and few surprises from a formulaic script.
Reclaim's highly mechanized plot ensures that the film is over before it even ends.
New York Daily News by Elizabeth Weitzman
There are no twists or even surprises, except the final realization that director Alan White is taking his culturally clueless, ineptly shot B-movie totally seriously. Judging from the uniformly underwhelming performances, he’s the only one.
The Hollywood Reporter by Frank Scheck
And to be fair, Cusack doesn’t phone it in. He gives the part his all, displaying his usual expert deadpan comic timing while delivering the weak quips in Carmine Gaeta and Luke Davies’ screenplay. But it’s disheartening nonetheless to see him working so hard to enliven such inferior material.
By trying to have it both ways—goosing up black-market trafficking for cheap thrills, while posing as being sincere about a real global scourge—the film winds up stuck in the middle.
Los Angeles Times by Sheri Linden
Carmine Gaeta and Luke Davies' screenplay is constructed from plot mechanics, and the emotional stakes grow less convincing with every twist of the screw.
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