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The Soloist

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United Kingdom, France, United States · 2009
1h 49m
Director Joe Wright
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Jamie Foxx, Catherine Keener, Tom Hollander
Genre Drama, Music

Disillusioned journalist Steve Lopez stumbles upon Ayers, a homeless man playing a two-stringed cello with virtuosic skill. Hoping to gather material for a column, he befriends the Juilliard-trained musician, who is struggling with schizophrenia. But their connection grows far beyond the story, and Steve becomes determined to get Ayers off the streets.

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Village Voice by

Foxx and Downey's disciplined duet come close to redeeming The Soloist from its visual excesses, but Wright leaves us with a parting shot of the dancing homeless that shamelessly exploits the very people he means to champion.


The New Yorker by David Denby

I don't know if Beethoven and a sympathetic newspaper reporter can redeem a messy American city, but this movie makes a plausible case for so fervent a dream.


The Hollywood Reporter by Kirk Honeycutt

Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx are on fire in the lead roles: They're both charismatic as hell without sacrificing any of the emotional honesty necessary for you to believe that these movie stars are a scruffy reporter and a mentally ill musician.


Charlotte Observer by Lawrence Toppman

The Soloist does have the courage to be true to the real Ayers' fate at last, after the exaggerations end. And the smart, hard-working Foxx and Downey ensure that their scenes all stay grittily honest.


Austin Chronicle by Marjorie Baumgarten

With all the hallmarks of a prestige picture, chief among them a great cast and creative crew and an "important" message, The Soloist plays its tune with a frequently heavy hand.


Variety by Todd McCarthy

Has moments of power and imagination, but the overworked style and heavy socially conscious bent exude an off-putting sense of self-importance, making for a picture that's more of a chore than a pleasure to sit through.

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