New York Magazine (Vulture) by Bilge Ebiri
The primary pleasure of James Marsh’s understated heist film is the opportunity to watch these icons go from mild-mannered pensioners to snarling, backstabbing hoods. That’s one of its shortcomings, too: We want more, and the picture never quite gives it to us.
Los Angeles Times by Gary Goldstein
If only this post-heist section had more tension, suspense and surprise, “King” could have been a real contender.
Variety by Guy Lodge
As the film slackens its pace and shifts awkwardly from caper mode to sober moral deliberations, its one-note characters can’t quite carry it.
The Film Stage by Jared Mobarak
Ignorance to technology is a running theme throughout both to earn easy laughs due to the ageist nature of the joke and intrigue as far as which man — if any — is in control. That probably won’t be enough to get some audiences on board what is a pretty straightforward genre film, but it’s enough to provide its own spin. Between that and the sheer joy of seeing these actors comment on their careers through these characters, a good time should be had.
The New York Times by Jeannette Catsoulis
For all its flaws — and they are legion — King of Thieves wraps you in a fuzzy blanket of familiarity.
The A.V. Club by Katie Rife
Unlike "Gotti," King Of Thieves doesn’t have one iconic actor burning through decades’ worth of goodwill. It has six.
Empire by Nick de Semlyen
An old-school film about an old-school crime that brings together an impressive array of British legends. Solid, but sadly the results don’t exactly blow the bloody doors off.
The Guardian by Peter Bradshaw
The job itself is bafflingly dull.
The Observer (UK) by Simran Hans
There are a few rascally moments, such as Jim Broadbent settingoff roman candles in his back garden, but mostly it’s a staid affair, laden with dragged-outscenes of the gang doing thejob.
The Hollywood Reporter by Stephen Dalton
This prosaically competent comedy-thriller turns a rich true story into a tonally uneven blend of lukewarm laughs and low-level suspense.