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Belgium, France, United Kingdom · 2004
Rated R · 2h 2m
Director Lucile Hadžihalilović
Starring Zoé Auclair, Lea Bridarolli, Bérangère Haubruge, Marion Cotillard
Genre Drama, Mystery

At an unusual private school for girls, new students, including young Iris, show up in coffins. The establishment's teachers introduce Iris and her fellow pupils to the school's curriculum, which includes fairy-like dances through a nearby forest. When night falls, the older girls, who are on the threshold of womanhood, are then given mysterious, life-changing lessons.

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What are critics saying?


The Hollywood Reporter by

Sustains a pervasive feeling of anxiety and suspense, despite an absence of dramatic conflict or resolution.


Salon by Andrew O'Hehir

This is the weirdest film I've seen all year, or at least the weirdest good film. It's also among the most powerful.


TV Guide Magazine by Ken Fox

Hadzihalilovic succeeds brilliantly at crafting a meaningful enigma that somehow grasps the essence of adolescence, but only grows more mysterious with each revelation.


The New Republic by Stanley Kauffmann

The Oxford English Dictionary says that an allegory is "an extended or continued metaphor." And to think that this definition was coined when a French film called Innocence was still very far in the future! But how aptly this film proves the point.

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