A little more venom or bite might have been welcome but this is still an entertaining skewering of celebrity and the way a single day can flip from triumph to outright disaster
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
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What are critics saying?
The Playlist by Caitlin Quinlan
Brühl works confidently as a director and star, however, hopefully with the potential to be a little more ambitious in the future.
Unlike Malcom & Marie, Daniel Brühl’s feature-length directorial debut proves to be authentically self-castigating.
Spry enough to sustain its wisp of an idea but too contained in both story and setting to resonate beyond its most basic thrills, Next Door is a pleasantly unfulfilled promise of a debut.
The Hollywood Reporter by David Rooney
An amusing, accomplished debut on its own modest terms, Next Door works best as tart meta comedy, becoming increasingly cramped in scope and setting as it spirals into an obsessive revenge thriller.
The film’s games of genre-shuffling and celebrity self-satire can’t override the essential tedium of its core conflict.
The Film Stage by Rory O'Connor
Contrary to the setup’s illusions, Brühl distances and thus absolves himself by making Daniel a nasty caricature–arrogant, speaking in brooding actorly tones, eager to pose for selfies and flirt with fans. Had he played it straight, Next Door might just have been vital.