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Canada (Quebec) · 2021
1h 41m
Director Bruce LaBruce
Starring Félix-Antoine Duval, Tania Kontoyanni, Alexandra Petrachuk, Angèle Coutu
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance

Dominic is a young man in love with himself. When his grandmother dies, the family skeletons tumble out of the closet. Dominic learns that his lesbian mother didn’t die in childbirth as he’d been told, but lives in exile with a mysterious young woman. And he discovers the identical twin he never knew he had – opening up a whole new world of possibility…

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What are critics saying?


The Hollywood Reporter by Boyd van Hoeij

Overall, Saint-Narcisse is a wild ride that’s enjoyable in all its B-movie glory — the production design that’s just a little too kitschy, the dialogue that’s just a tad too ripe — while also titillating the intellect.


Film Threat by Bradley Gibson

LaBruce dresses up kink in priestly robes and biker leather and raw skin and sets it out on a runway walk in open daylight.


The Film Stage by C.J. Prince

Some might balk at the film’s light, non-judgmental tone towards incest, abuse, sexuality, and religion, but LaBruce is smart in how he lets that tension rest on the audience and whatever baggage they may bring to the film instead of trying to acknowledge or appease to it. If anything, Saint-Narcisse is a welcome piece of provocative entertainment, existing as its own weird and sincere comedy for those willing to take the ride.


Original-Cin by Jim Slotek

There’s an entertaining commitment to the story and its references in Saint-Narcisse (a real place that may be impossible to photograph badly, such is the natural beauty that surrounds this demented tale). And La Bruce knows a striking leading man when he casts one.


The New York Times by Teo Bugbee

For the most part, LaBruce tries to maintain fidelity to the idea that camp is best performed straight. If keeping up the pretense of unwinking entertainment causes the pace to drag at times, at least this movie never fails to follow through on its scandalous promise.

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