New York Daily News by Jack Mathews
Funny and masterfully inventive.
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United Kingdom, Ireland · 1999
Rated R · 1h 39m
Director Justin Kerrigan
Starring John Simm, Shaun Parkes, Nicola Reynolds, Lorraine Pilkington
Genre Comedy, Drama
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Five aimless twenty-something friends spend a weekend partying in Cardiff, Wales to forget their personal baggage and unfulfilling lives. Some are down on their luck in relationships, some are trapped arrested development, and others have no idea where their careers are going. Nevertheless, they all find solace in rave culture on the weekends.
New York Daily News by Jack Mathews
Funny and masterfully inventive.
'Trainspotting'' Lite.
New York Post by Jonathan Foreman
Though it contains some very funny, cleverly written comic sketches, Human Traffic shares with other drug movies the problem that watching other people on drugs is not interesting.
Brimming with fun and a few great ideas, it's little more than a foggy memory the minute it's over.
Dallas Observer by Luke Y. Thompson
What it lacks in story, it makes up for with sharp dialogue and an amusing Walter Mitty-esque style.
Austin Chronicle by Marc Savlov
It's a 24-hour-party-people travelogue, entertaining enough to grab your eyes... but less memorable than it may at first appear.
Entertainment Weekly by Owen Gleiberman
The movie is too cute to lose its head in the music. It never generates its own ecstasy.
Miami Herald by Rene Rodriguez
Its lingering hangover, however, is decidedly pleasant.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer by Sean Axmaker
A bubbly, high-spirited paean to the joys of pharmaceutical phun that grooves to a throbbing beat but constantly trips over flat, prosaic dialogue and literal, lifeless sight gags.
USA Today by Staff [Not Credited]
Someone has seen "Trainspotting" too many times, and it's writer/director Justin Kerrigan.
In the bowels of France
Protesting the Vietnam War through peace, drugs, and stylish hair
Frankie Wilde, a superstar DJ on the Ibiza club scene, disappears as he rapidly loses his hearing.
No peace for the wicked
Out here, there's nowhere to hide.
Cold can freeze your heart, love can set you free
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In the bowels of France
Protesting the Vietnam War through peace, drugs, and stylish hair
Frankie Wilde, a superstar DJ on the Ibiza club scene, disappears as he rapidly loses his hearing.
No peace for the wicked
Out here, there's nowhere to hide.
Cold can freeze your heart, love can set you free