Los Angeles Times by Kimber Myers
Scrolling through internet videos is generally regarded as a waste of time, but watching 100 minutes of cute animals on your phone is preferable to sitting through the laughably bad The Wolf and the Lion.
France, Canada · 2021
1h 39m
Director Gilles de Maistre
Starring Molly Kunz, Graham Greene, Charlie Carrick, Derek Johns
Genre Adventure, Family
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Alma, raised in a remote cabin in Canada, returns to her childhood home after her grandfather's death. In the majestic forest, she rescues two cubs-- a wolf and a lion, who form a strong bond with Alma and with each other. When the two animals are taken away from Alma by a forest ranger, they must travel through the dangerous wilderness to reunite with her.
Los Angeles Times by Kimber Myers
Scrolling through internet videos is generally regarded as a waste of time, but watching 100 minutes of cute animals on your phone is preferable to sitting through the laughably bad The Wolf and the Lion.
The wolf and the lion make a great team; the humans and the script do not.
Austin Chronicle by Richard Whittaker
The Wolf and the Lion is deeply sweet, utterly predictable, and may well send a few unintentionally mixed messages about human relationships with large predators.
The human stuff is entirely too predictable. And the whole thing is so Disney sweet and cutesey it’ll make your teeth hurt.
Come on, go ahead!
A retired author reluctantly joins a young publisher on a book tour.
The truth lies at the beginning.
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Come on, go ahead!
A retired author reluctantly joins a young publisher on a book tour.
The truth lies at the beginning.