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I Was a Dreamer(Il più grande sogno)

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Italy · 2016
1h 37m
Director Michele Vannucci
Starring Mirko Frezza, Alessandro Borghi, Vittorio Viviani, Milena Mancini
Genre Drama

At 39 years of age Mirko has just left prison. In the outskirts of Rome, a new future waits for him. When he is elected president of the homeowners’ committee, he realises that he can dream of a different kind of existence. Not only for himself and his family, but for the whole suburb where he lives. This film deals with a “bandit” who, with the help of his best friend Boccione, wants to turn the indifference of the suburb into solidarity and the roads into luxuriant fields of tomatoes, becoming the bearer of a happiness he does not know how to reach. It is the story of a fragile and irrational dream: offering a future to those who do not even believe they deserve a present.

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