Your Company

Tito and Me(Тито и ја)

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Yugoslavia · 1992
1h 44m
Director Goran Marković
Starring Dimitrije Vojnov, Lazar Ristovski, Miki Manojlović, Anica Dobra
Genre Comedy

Goran Markovic, known more for his dramatic work, achieved something that's eluded many great filmmakers - both smart and funny comedy. Based loosely on his own life as a kid growing up in Tito's communist Yugoslavia in the 1950s, the movie centers around 10-year-old Zoran whose inspired poem about Tito written on a spur-of-the-moment-basis as an in-class assignment, earns him a trip with other deserving pupils retracing Tito's "revolutionary trails" in Tito's hometown of Kumrovec.

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