Your Company

Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School(Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat)

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Switzerland, France · 1979
Rated R · 1h 31m
Director Erwin C. Dietrich
Starring Brigitte Lahaie, Nadine Pascal, Anne Libert, France Lomay
Genre Comedy

Miss Klein runs a boarding-school. The schoolgirls chloroform a peeping Tom, lock two plumbers in the dormitories, strip for a gamekeeper and tease their sports teacher. The teacher gets carried away in front of the class while giving a demonstartion of sexual positions with the gym teacher. Kerstin gives a sexy turn to their biking through the woods by attaching dildos to their bicycle seats. These move up and down as they pedal.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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