Your Company

Berlin in Berlin

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Turkey, Germany · 1993
1h 39m
Director Sinan Çetin
Starring Hülya Avşar, Cem Özer, Armin Block, Aliye Rona
Genre Drama

A young German engineer photographs a beautiful Turkish woman without her permission. Her husband finds out and starts a fight. In the midst of the argument the German engineer accidentally kills the husband. With his burdened conscience, he goes out to Berlin's Turkish district to find the woman. He is spotted by her relatives, and while escaping, by strange coincidence he ends up hiding in the man's home whom he has killed. According to Turkish customs, a guest in one's household must be treated with dignity and respect even if he is the enemy. Thus, the tension and difficulties among the Turkish family and the German engineer begin. As long as he stays he will survive, but how long can he live in the home of a man he murdered?

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