Your Company

Horny Family(배꼽)

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Korea · 2013
1h 34m
Director Park Bo-Sang
Starring Lee Mi-sook, Cheon Ho-jin, Ji Seo-Yun, Ye Hak-young
Genre Romance, Comedy

From the outside, the Suhs seem like a loving, cookie-cutter, middle-class family with their lives in perfect order. In reality, everyone is hiding some secrets. The father has the hots for a young grad student. The mother is flirting around with a photographer she's posing for. The daughter is engaged but has a sex partner on the side. The son has a girlfriend, but he's been stalking the same student his father likes! What will happen to this perfect family when the secrets spill?

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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