Your Company

The Reason Why(Δι' ασήμαντον αφορμήν)

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Greece · 1974

Director Tasos Psarras
Starring Mihalis Bogiaridis, Stelios Kapatos, Byron Tsaboulas, Vana Fitsori
Genre Drama

Michalis returns to the tobacco growers of his rural village after having spent some time in the city and persuades them to form a collective, rather than suffer the poverty-inducing prices they are paid for their crops by tobacco brokers. They agree not to sell to any of the brokers and start to form a farmers' group. When one of the farmers breaks the agreement and is found dead, Michalis is accused. However, rather than expose the farmers' plight and give publicity to the brokers' greed, the motive the government gives for the killing is thi asimanton aformin, for unimportant reasons.

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